Repos on CDMs

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Repos on CDMs

They are the immediate sale with a term repurchase agreement, on the Exchange, of Warehouse Receipts (CDM), issued by a General Merchandise Warehouse (AGD), which represent a certain quantity and quality of a product. They allow owners of merchandise certified by an AGD, represented by a Brokerage Firm, to obtain non-bank financing immediately, with the same merchandise used as collateral. On the other hand, for investors, who are represented by a Brokerage Firm, this market represents an alternative for placing funds that has the support of the merchandise represented in the CDM and the security schemes typical of this type of operation.


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The owner of the merchandise (seller) stores it and certifies it through an AGD, sells the CDM with a future repurchase agreement in the BMC through a Brokerage Firm, the seller of the CDM receives non-bank financing through its merchandise, on the agreed date, the seller repurchases the CDM and delivers the agreed interest, the owner of the merchandise can dispose of their merchandise and the buyer receives their capital and profit.

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