Public Procurement Market

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Public Procurement Market

It is a trading marketplace that meets the needs for the purchase of goods and services with uniform technical characteristics and products of agricultural origin or use by State Entities, through an Abbreviated Selection process via the Product Exchange.


By express authorization of Law 80 of 1993, Law 1150 of 2007 and Decree 1082 of 2015, the Mercantile Exchange is empowered to hold operations by public entities in its trading roundtable through the abbreviated selection modality, the product exchange modality, for the purchase of goods, products and services of uniform technical characteristics, as well as goods and products of agricultural origin or use.

Goods, products and services with uniform technical characteristics can be traded, as well as products of agricultural origin. For this purpose, the Exchange provides a list of goods and services with uniform characteristics and agricultural products that can be acquired by state entities through the Exchange. It is important to clarify that the products registered show the basic features of each one, allowing purchasing entities to adjust each one of them so that it fully satisfies their needs. Our products are flexible, allowing the entity to buy what it really needs and not what it has to.

To view them, you must enter the section where you will find these bid prices and you will be able to download and view them in PDF format.

  • Buyer: Public entity that goes to the trading marketplace to acquire goods or services with uniform technical characteristics or products of agricultural origin or use, given the powers granted in law. It is important to point out that the BMC accompanies the entity at all times, from the beginning of the structuring of the business to final delivery and payment. 
  • Brokerage Firm Buyer: Broker authorized by the Financial Superintendency to operate the MCP that acts on the buy side, in its own name and on behalf of the buyer, upon prior selection under the terms of the Performance and Operations Rules of the Exchange 
  • Brokerage Firm Seller: Broker authorized by the Financial Superintendence to operate the MCP that acts on the sell side, in its own name and on behalf of the vendor of the goods, products or services. 
  • Vendor (Supplier): Natural or legal person that individually or through some form of association, consortium or joint venture, supplies products, goods and services in accordance with the needs of the consignor buyer.


You can view this in section xx where you will find a simulator that will tell you how much it will cost depending on your budget.


Vendors interested in bidding on purchases from State entities must select, at their discretion and through a private process, the Brokerage Firm with which they will act in the trading roundtable.

This process is carried out through a Selection Round through which the different Brokerage Firms willing and meeting the requirements requested by the entity can offer their firm to participate.

All the documents of the current processes can be viewed in section xxx and they are specifically:

  • Letter of intent: through which State Entities express their decision to acquire or sell goods, products or services through the MCP marketplace and request the Exchange carry out the selection procedure of the Brokerage Firm which will act in their name, upon prior determination of the Enabling Requirements to participate. 
  • Technical Trading Sheet: through which the object of the process is delimited and the obligations that the Brokerage Firm buying must comply with are established, as well as the manner of execution of the process through a commission contract, the special conditions and obligations that must be fulfilled by the seller, the possibility of requesting additional amounts and all the particularities that the State Entity intends to assert in the process. The obligations established are for the Brokerage Firm selling and the vendor. 
  • Special Conditions of Goods, Products or Services Document: document prepared based on the Technical Sheet approved by the Exchange's Standards Committee and that for a certain trading process in the MCP that contains the particular qualities of the goods, products and/or or services to be traded in the corresponding process, as well as the other terms that are intended to be required in the negotiation. 

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